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Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program Early Action Grant- SNC

The goal of the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program (RFFCP) is to increase regional capacity to prioritize, develop, and implement projects that improve forest health and fire resiliency, facilitate greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and increase carbon sequestration in forests throughout California. The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) was the recipient of a $7.7 million 'Early Action' grant from the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) to advance the goal of the RFFCP in the Sierra Nevada Region. The SNC in implementing this grant through subgrants to key organizations in each of seven RFFCP Planning Areas. The subgrants are designed to help meet the deliverables of the SNC's Early Action RFFCP grant. The approach is individualized for each Planning Area, seeking to build on existing collaborative efforts to address the area's specific needs and to support local leadership.

This subgrant will cover the Northeast Planning Area. The subgrantee is the Modoc Resource Conservation District (Subgrantee). Subgrantee provides assistance to private and public landowners in the Northeast Planning Area regarding forest and watershed health and through the original RFFCP grant has expanded into fire prevention planning and activities. Subgrantee works with the local government and other agencies to develop collaborative projects and to leverage funding from multiple sources. 

SNC's RFFCP Deliverable

  • Capacity investments that help partners manage increases in project development and implementation workload. 
  • Increase the scale and speed of project development so that implementation programs have extensive statewide lists of shovel ready projects.
  • Outreach, education, and training.